Boots of Aseralin: Strength 4
Sling 9
Fire Ball 9
Chain of Velath:
Agility 5
Blunt 11
Magic Ball 10
Bow of Graeth:
Lightning Ball 11
Bless Charisma 11
Combat Curse Strength 12
Belt of Theip:
Charisma 6
Shield 7
Bless Agility 7
Viking Raiders (24718) named items...
Misfits (22701) named items...
Earring of Ederra
Charisma 4
Blunt 8
Chain 11
Amulet of Kairanydd
Staff 22
Chain 17
Shield 21
Chain of Lothean
weight 82
Strength 5
Divinity 4
Curse Charisma 8
12,000 gp
Earring of Mireis
Improved Haggling skill 17
Mass Holy Wrath 19
Power Acid Bolt 19
Bow of Cymas
weight 1.7
Haggling 10
Curse Agility 11
4,000 gp
X-Bow of Gilican
weight 1.2
Streetwise 21
Blunt 22
Combat Curse Strength 18
Shield of Glelibard
Weight 1.7
Strength 4
Charisma 5
transfer 8,500 gp
Belt of Trare
Agility 10
Haggling 20
Improved Blade skill 20
transfer 7,500 gp
Staff of Daleb
weight 1.6
Leather 10
Haggling 13
Combat Curse Endurance 8
transfer 5,000gp
Sling of Adrieseth
Haggling 20
Unarmed 17
Acid Ball 20
Staff of Lothardog
Sorry, Lothar's dog chewed it a little.
weight 1.6
Strength 4
Power Acid Bolt 10
Fighting Sword 13
transfer 7,000 gp
I also currently have:
Gem of Ybira: 1200gp
I am interested in buying:
Pearl of Zerictred: 2500gp
please someone provide me with some pearls!!! iv got like 7 gems n its getting a bit silly!!!!!!!!!! ;-)! so good luck to u all in search of pearls to give me!!! :D! hehe!
PM me if you have any questions!
also if you're trying to sell a named item feel free to send me its details and I will list the item, its details and your party details!